Dr. James Andrews throws out first pitch for Pensacola Blue Wahoos ByΒ Eric J. Wallace

Dr. James Andrews has extended the careers of countless professional athletes through the years, returning them to the spotlight as though their ligaments, bones and joints had never been injured at all.

On Friday night at Blue Wahoos Stadium, however, it was Andrews’ turn for a little fanfare. He threw out the first pitch and was honored with a Blue Wahoos jersey between the second and third inning.

The first 2,000 fans at the stadium left with their own Andrews souvenir, as well: A bobblehead of the renowned doctor that his wife, Jenelle, was quick to tease him about.

β€œShe’s been kidding me about it,” Andrews said. β€œMy kids are wanting a bobblehead and I’ve had some people ask me about it. I said, β€˜I know where you can get one. Go down to the pawn shop and 25 cents will get one.’”
